- A good page to bookmark listing both supported #lambda runtimes and bundled #AWS SDK versions #serverless https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-runtimes.html
- There are lots of AWS CLI commands. I have a shit memory. I use this tool. https://awsclibuilder.com
- I especially like the "Getting better at designing systems" section https://blog.pragmaticengineer.com/software-architecture-is-overrated/
- Check out my @goserverless blog post in the Off-by-none newsletter! @dwolla #serverless #webhooks #offbynone #lambda https://twitter.com/jeremy_daly/status/1133552456263229441
- Good reminder not to reach for technologies used by companies larger than yours when something much simpler will do https://blog.bradfieldcs.com/you-are-not-google-84912cf44afb
- Google code review and pull request best practices, solid read https://github.com/google/eng-practices
- Great stuff. How have I gone this long without knowing ^string1^string2 repeats the previous command with string1 replaced by string2? https://blog.balthazar-rouberol.com/shell-productivity-tips-and-tricks.html
- husky is great for managing JavaScript/TypeScript git hooks. For other languages, check out Lefthook. It lets you, for example, run linters and formatters pre-commit. https://github.com/evilmartians/lefthook
- Things not to do when using Postgres. I was doing a couple... https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Don%27t_Do_This
- Best framework I've found so far for creating presentations in Markdown, https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js
- Writing a Regular Expression? This site reduces the number of times you mumble, "why the hell is this not working?" https://regex101.com/
- Using Scala and Protobufs? ScalaPB is a great alternative to Java-generated types, case classes instead of the builder pattern https://scalapb.github.io/
- I keep coming back to these AWS Builder's Library articles. Great stuff, worth the read #aws #builderslibrary https://aws.amazon.com/builders-library/
- Helpful bookmark for creating #IAM policies. Lists the Actions along with which Resource/Condition they expect for each #AWS Service https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/reference_policies_actions-resources-contextkeys.html
- If you're looking to add search to your developer docs, check out https://docsearch.algolia.com/. It's free and takes no time to implement.
- Here's a GraphQL snippet to find all Github repos that contain a specific file https://gist.github.com/therockstorm/ef21bedf00a0731a9417a47f048e6a4b
- Mermaid: Diagrams as code in Markdown. I've used it extensively for sequence diagrams and flow charts. https://mermaid.js.org/
- Great argument for runbooks: Checklists are simple. And also highly effective. https://blog.nuclino.com/the-simple-genius-of-checklists-from-b-17-to-the-apollo-missions
- Solid video if you're using gRPC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Naonb2XD_2Q
- Weather in your terminal, https://github.com/chubin/wttr.in
- Want fancy "Verified" badges next to your Github commits? I thought so. https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/managing-commit-signature-verification/about-commit-signature-verification
- Enjoyed Shreyas's regular expressions primer. Taking time to learn the basics has really been worth it. https://refrf.dev/
- Getting a new computer? Mackup is a great way to seamlessly transfer your configuration files and application settings https://github.com/lra/mackup
- The aptly named "diagrams" project is a great way to create architecture diagrams as code. https://diagrams.mingrammer.com/
- "Almost no other 'white collar' profession I'm aware of will so completely and thoroughly ignore your actual proven ability, historical accomplishments, and holistic qualities, as part of the hiring process." https://www.neilwithdata.com/developer-hiring
- Need books to read while libraries are closed? Here's a great collection of free e-books. https://github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books
- Classic article on salary negotiation for software engineers https://www.kalzumeus.com/2012/01/23/salary-negotiation/
- Great article about working on what matters https://staffeng.com/guides/work-on-what-matters
- Docusaurus v2 has been great, recommended for developer docs https://docusaurus.io/
- DynamoDB is a different way of thinking. Using SQL concepts in your schema design likely won't scale. Here's an honest article about the steps involved https://www.jeremydaly.com/how-to-switch-from-rdbms-to-dynamodb-in-20-easy-steps/
- I've been enjoying the Refined Github extension, https://github.com/refined-github/refined-github
- I read these notes for The Effective Engineer and they convinced me to buy the book, highly recommended, https://gist.github.com/rondy/af1dee1d28c02e9a225ae55da2674a6f#file-effective_engineer-md
- Enjoying the Slack app Clockwise, it encourages having uninterrupted time to focus and can reschedule meetings to increase those time blocks. https://slack.com/apps/A89HZ352N-clockwise
- "Don't stop coding...if you don't share joy, despair, discovery of software development, you forget what it means to be a developer...have a harder time talking to engineers because you'll forget how they think and how they become bored."
- https://matthewsaltz.wordpress.com/2020/11/24/a-simple-and-dynamic-method-for-consistent-productivity/
- Recently used this template for a project with great success, https://betterdev.blog/minimal-safe-bash-script-template/
- Great comparison of Rust vs Go. Both great languages, with different tradeoffs. https://bitfieldconsulting.com/golang/rust-vs-go
- Excited about the future of CRDTs, https://josephg.com/blog/crdts-are-the-future/
- You can search by emoji in Slack. Useful if, for instance, you mark issues with :eyes: and then :white_check_mark: once they're resolved. You can then search "in:#my-channel has::eyes: -has:::white_check_mark:" to see which you still need to look at.
- I managed to delete a commit with days of changes in it. Through a combination of https://gist.github.com/joseluisq/7f0f1402f05c45bac10814a9e38f81bf and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34751837/git-can-we-recover-deleted-commits I was able to find and restore it. The lesson? There's still hope when you do something stupid.
- "Comby makes finding and changing code easier than regex alone allows and avoids pitfalls like escaping parentheses, quotes, or multiline changes." https://comby.dev/
- GitHub CLI makes creating lots of PRs easy. This command upper-cases the branch name and includes it in the PR title,
gh pr create --reviewer therockstorm --title "[$(git_current_branch | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')]: Revert file upload for now" --body ""
- A SQL (not just PostgreSQL) anti-pattern that's all too easy to fall into, https://www.2ndquadrant.com/en/blog/postgresql-anti-patterns-read-modify-write-cycles/
- Great article full of SQL tips, https://hakibenita.com/sql-tricks-application-dba
- The latest version the Tech Radar. It's put together by, among others, ThoughtsWorks' CTO Rebecca Parsons and Chief Scientist Martin Fowler. It explains things that have been working well and not so well for their consulting teams around the world. https://www.thoughtworks.com/radar
- You can create a .github repo with community files (CONTRIBUTING.md, CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md, ISSUE_TEMPLATES, SECURITY.md, SUPPORT.md) in it. They are shared among all your repos that don't themselves have the same file. https://docs.github.com/en/communities/setting-up-your-project-for-healthy-contributions/creating-a-default-community-health-file
- https://benjiweber.co.uk/blog/2021/04/10/dont-hire-top-talent-hire-for-weaknesses/
- Good reminder as you're building developer tools to leave escape hatches, "self-service with guard-rails", https://lethain.com/fail-open-layer-policy/
- Some nice ZSH commands you may not have known about, https://www.twilio.com/blog/zsh-tricks-to-blow-your-mind
- https://www.getparthenon.com/blog/how-to-avoid-hiring-the-best-developers/
- Make yourself replaceable, https://jmmv.dev/2021/04/always-be-quitting.html
- Be a pirate. Spark great ideas. https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20210528-positive-deviants-why-rebellious-workers-spark-gr-ideas
- Deliver projects with stepping stones of concrete deliverables, https://medium.com/@jamesacowling/stepping-stones-not-milestones-e6be0073563f
- "Getting shit done" is an underrated quality in software engineering interviews, https://blog.eladgil.com/p/hire-for-ability-to-get-shit-done
- CRDTs are cool. https://josephg.com/blog/crdts-go-brrr/
- Interesting take on exposing /events instead of webhooks, https://blog.sequin.io/events-not-webhooks/
- Multi-tenant fairness: load shedding, rate limiting, and bin packing, https://aws.amazon.com/builders-library/fairness-in-multi-tenant-systems/
- A classic, https://blog.codinghorror.com/falling-into-the-pit-of-success/
- I agree. https://jezenthomas.com/why-we-dont-do-daily-stand-ups-at-supercede/