External circumstances cannot create lasting happiness, internal states of mind and mental discipline can. Revert to the mean. You can remove negative states of mind and cultivate positive.
Cultivate universal compassion. Empathetic and understand their background. This reduces anger and improves your life
A wealth of intimacy lies beyond western romantic love. Lasting relationship are based on respect and appreciation of other person
Can cultivate spirituality without religion, leading to happier life. Goodness, compassion, and caring for one another.
Suffering is natural, but we often increase it unnecessarily. Attempt to eliminate the mental root cause instead of magnifying. Don't resist change and lows. Don't replay negative past events.
Eliminate negative habits only through sustained effort. Positive emotions can be used to combat negative.
Shift perspectives to find the good. Sitting by farty person can teach patience and tolerance. Chance to become stronger. Must practice.
Confront and analyze feelings of anger and hatred and replace with patience and tolerance. Negative health effects, venting doesn't help. Reducing stress helps reduce anger. Pause to analyze it logically.
Combat anxiety by challenging the thoughts and replacing with positive ones.