Am I above or below the line? Am I willing to shift with for conscience breaths and improved posture?
Commit to take full responsibility for your circumstances, "what can we learn and how can we grow from this?"
Commit to learning over being right.
Wonder: I wonder what I can learn today that will benefit everyone? How we can get more done in less time?
Commit to feeling feelings all the way to completion--locate them, breathe, move or vocalize with a sound, and release instead is recycling or repressing
e-motion, energy in motion, feelings are physical sensations
5 primary emotions - anger, fear, sadness, joyful, sexual
I commit to saying what is true for me. I commit to being a person to whom iteration can express themselves with candor.
How do I say it in most loving way possible?
Repeat back to make sure you understand
Start sentences unarguably, "I'm thinking..., I feel...(sad, angry, etc), I notice (sensory experience in body)...
I commit to ending gossip, talking directly to people with whom I have a concern, and encouraging others to talk directly to people with whom they have an issue or concern
Would you say it if they were in the room?
I commit to the masterful practice if integrity, including acknowledging all authentic feelings, expressing the insatiable truth, keeping agreements, and taking 100% responsibility.
I commit to living in appreciation, fully opening to both receiving and giving appreciation.
4 elements of masterful appreciation: sincerity (head think, heart feel, gut experienced sensation), unarguable (i appreciated the...), specific, succinct
entitlement arises when rewards and benefits become expected instead of preferred
I commit to expressing my full magnificence and to supporting and inspiring others to fully express their creativity and live in their zone if genius
I commit to creating a life of play, improvisation, and laughter. I commit to seeing all of life unfold easefully, and effortlessly. I commit to maximizing my energy by honoring rest, renewal, and rhythm.
I commit to seeing that the opposite of my story is as true as or truer than my original story. I recognize that I interpret the work around me and give my stories meaning.
Turn thought to opposite, to the other person, to yourself,
I commit to being source of my approval, control, and security.
Which ones are driving my surface desire?
What if you're already totally approved of, loved, and accepted? What if everything worth being controlled is already under your control? Already whole, perfect, complete, and lack nothing.
"If only...I would...", not the wants but the wanting of something different that leads to unsatisfying life
I commit to experiencing that I have enough if everything...including time, money, love, energy, space, resources, etc.
I commit to seeing all people and circumstances as allows that are perfectly suited to help me learn the most important things for my growth.
I commit to creating win for all (me, them, org, the whole) for whatever issues, problems, concerns, or opportunities life gives me.
I commit to being there resolution or solution that is needed: seeing what is missing in the world as an invitation to become that which is required.